I wrote and illustrated two picture books titled, The Life of a Nut, and A Nutty Adventure respectively. A Collection of Nuts is a series that includes captioned illustrations from each book about a whimsical peanut and her nutty friends. Both of these works empower the main character to embrace her quirky, eccentric nature. I consider the self-empowerment themes in this series to be autobiographical. I approach each piece in an unconventional way to express a message in a new and refreshing light. The art of humor often reveals the truth in who we are as individuals. My intention in A Collection of Nuts is to approach the very difficult subject of mental illness and the resulting stigma in a lighthearted and inoffensive way. This series takes a non-threatening approach to the behavior that we as humans express. In addition, these works are intended to start and continue an open dialogue about mental illness and challenge preconceived notions about the existence of the mentally ill in society.